The 10X Rule

book: The 10X Rule
author: Grant Cardone

general overview

The 10X Rule is all about setting some sort of goal or target and then multiplying that. it doesn’t necessarily have to be by a factor of 10 as the book’s title states, but a goal or target should not be lousy.

Grant speaks a lot about increasing targets and the idea that success is my duty, obligation and responsibility. almost all things are at fault of you and the actions that you put forth. whether good or bad, things happen because of your actions.

Grant also speaks a lot about the 4 degrees of actions:

  • no action
    • means you don’t do any work at all towards your goals
  • reverse action
    • means you had in the opposite direction of your goals. you may come up with excuses why you can’t.
  • average action
    • means you do some work and are willing to accept mediocrity.
  • massive action
    • means that you stop at nothing and are ready to meet and exceed all of your targets.

one may think that this book is naturally geared towards entrepreneurs and sales people, but I believe the idea of goal setting and massive action are important for all people no matter their title.