Sahil Lavingia

below is a list of some popular Tweets from Sahil Lavingia, the founder of Gumroad. Gumroad is an online platform that enables creators to sell products directly to consumers (wiki). creators of all types (authors, comedians, designers, filmmakers, musicians, developers, marketers and more) use Gumroad to sell [mostly digital] products to consumers.
it is important to note that Sahil’s impact on the Internet world does not stop there. he is also a great thinker and often Tweets extremely thought-provoking messages.
some of his most notable Tweets (of his most recent 3,000 sorted by retweet count) include:
On Facebook everyone pretends to be friends.
On Twitter everyone pretends to be an expert.
On LinkedIn everyone pretends to be professional.
On Instagram everyone pretends to be happy.
In real life…
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) February 28, 2020
Everyone loves remote work until they realize 7 billion people will soon be competing for the job they have.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) May 21, 2020
Bad news: Bezos only donated .001% of his net worth.
Good news: Food is purchased in dollars, not percentages of net worth.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) April 3, 2020
Don't think you deserve the job? Apply for it anyways.
Don't think your article is good enough? Publish it anyways.
Don't think they'll reply to your email? Send it anyways.
Don't self-reject.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) March 11, 2020
Your imposter syndrome will fade when you realize how average your heroes are. Your excuses will fade too.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 9, 2020
Finding a new job is uncomfortable.
Starting a company is uncomfortable.
Learning a new skill is uncomfortable.
Getting healthy is uncomfortable.Growth is uncomfortable.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 28, 2020
The bar is not as high as you think.
You can:
– get that job
– meet that person
– start that companyBut because you think the bar's so high, you won't even try. Which is why the bar’s so low!
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 31, 2020
Scrolling is the new smoking.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 22, 2020
Degrees are not useful. Skills are.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) April 21, 2020
I used to think…
Facebook was built by geniuses with supercomputers.
My favorite writers knew every word in the dictionary.
The best artists could draw everything out of their head.
Now I realize they’re all just people who work hard, edit excessively, and copy constantly.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 27, 2020
Most people don’t need more advice, they need more cheerleaders.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) January 17, 2020
Investing in the stock market can turn $10,000 into $100,000.
Investing in starting your own business can turn $1,000 into $1,000,000.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) May 2, 2020
People spend years looking for a shortcut.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) April 26, 2020
Instagram still doesn't have an iPad app.
Twitter still doesn't let you edit tweets or search DMs.You can launch with less than you think. You may not even need it, ten years later!
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) February 4, 2020
Build the necessary first, then the useful, then the nice.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) April 30, 2020
Learning to write is much more important than learning to code.
— Sahil Lavingia (@shl) May 3, 2020